talk to us

Drop us a line or send us a note. We’re great at responding and we love sending packages, just give us a reason to do so!

p: am—650 703 8563 | pm—414 429 6959


m: 36172 HWY 228, Brownsville, OR 97327

17 thoughts on “talk to us

  1. Dad says:

    Skip the gravy and be guided by the moon and stars!

  2. cafexeno says:

    you people! beautiful fotos, interesting information. thanks for the shot of folded paper seed-starting pots. exactly what i needed to see to plant my coastal seeds while the black crows streak across a soft gray sky towards this year’s chosen nesting tree, with long branched twigs in their beaks.

    see you at the birthday party?


  3. Looks amazing. Proud of you both!

  4. Julieta says:

    I love the blog. I’m following it and getting ready for the farm!

  5. lot9press says:

    I love your blog! Keep the posts comin!

  6. ann miller says:

    1300 trees! think of that. coastal pines and a tall fir snapped here on abbey street too, quietly wrenching. while cleaning those up with the chainsaw, pruned one of the old apple trees that the grandparents planted a couple generations back, suffering badly, from? i’ll ask aurora to take a look when she comes this weekend- we’re planting mushroom plugs…she’s all about mushrooms these days! any mushrooms on the farm?

    • no mushrooms…on purpose…yet. Besides cleaning up hte rest of the brush from the snowfall, today has been a day of cutting and replanting some beautiful little succulents. I can feel the desert trying to push its way back into the my damp Oregon life.

  7. ann miller says:

    well aurora and i are doing alder mushroom plugs saturday, and i’d be glad to prep some for yous. we can talk about it friday, i’ll be over all day. aurora too that evening. are yous working? we’ll be doggin ya wherever you are! annie

  8. Kathy Flancher says:

    Your blog is great! We can’t wait to take a trip out there this year.

  9. nancy says:

    Serah & Gabriel, taking a break from school teaching life to get caught up on your blog – last read end of march! makes my heart swell to see and read your postings! especially things about succulents! and the ArtFarm! see You in july! (with more succulents!)

  10. monica stout says:

    i’m looking forward to seeing you. love,mom

  11. April says:

    Justa saying hello because we love you (all) and you need more posts!

  12. Hi there! I found your blog when researching Sutherland Kale – I got some seeds this year from a company here in the UK ( and am very excited to plant them and see what they produce! I plan to save seeds as well – but I am relatively new at seed-saving and haven’t a clue what I am doing.

    As far as the Sutherland Kale goes, I am guessing I just need to let a couple of plants go to seed – how do I know when to cut them, bring them inside to dry, etc. Any light you can shed on this would be greatly appreciated!

    I would love to know more about the kale you grew – was it much different from “regular” curly kale in taste?

    • HI!
      sorry for the delayed response.
      hopefully I’m not too late.

      we were saving seeds for an organic seed company (Adaptive Seeds) a few miles away from us. it was the first time we’d ever done it and we pretty much went by gut instinct.

      the main issues were keeping the bugs off (aphids are killers on the seed crop) by using a soapy water spray or just blasting the little suckers with the hose. the plants are strong, they can handle the hose blast.

      when you’re ready to harvest your seed it will be the late late summer of the second year of the plant life (if I’m remembering correctly – might wanna double check me). you cut off the entire stalk with the seed heads intact. careful not to jostle too much. lay them out on a tarp and let them sit for a couple days to finish drying and to let any chaff move to the bottom. move the plants to a clean tarp and ‘dance’ on them to free the seeds. then you’ll want to winnow them apart from anything that’s not your beautiful seed.

      GOOD LUCK!
      also – go here for tons of cool stuff

      • Canadian says:

        Thank-you so much for the guidance. This will be my first year planting it – I am intrigued to see how it tastes.

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